ClientFirst: 1800 517 124

Expand's latest range of platform enhancements make it easier for you to access what you need to support your clients.

NEW: Adviser homepage

Everything you need is at your fingertips to make managing your clients’ accounts easier.

With a single click, you can now access:

  • Recent updates – Stay on top of the latest enhancements and updates.
  • Your clients (formerly Advanced Search) – Segment client accounts, run bulk reports and download client data.
  • Activity – Monitor work in progress.
  • New application form – Create a new account.
  • Recent reports – Access completed and pending reports.
  • Investment Explorer – Investment research, performance, and documentation.
  • Platform Guides – Step-to-step guides for key transactions.

NEW: Activity Overview tab

Our new Activity Overview tab allows you to quickly view and access details on:

  • the status of your new business applications
  • any expiring adviser service fee arrangements
  • any maturing investments or expiring at limit orders.

Enhanced: New application form for internal transfers

The New application form has been enhanced to make it easier to transfer an existing account to a new account.

It’s available for super and pension accounts and will streamline full and partial transfers. It’s not available for employer super and IDPS accounts.

The features include:

  • New investment option section – lists the investment holdings and current values from the existing account.
  • Minimum amount for partial transfers – provides the minimum amount that must be left in an existing account for partial transfers.
  • Transfer preference – allows advisers to select Pro-rata or Specified investments for partial transfers.

For further information, please refer to the ‘Setting up a new account’ guide.

Updated: Disclosure for Expand Extra and Expand Essential

Effective 12 October 2023, the disclosure documents for Expand Extra and Expand Essential were updated to include the latest regulatory changes and product enhancements.

Some key items for Expand Extra include:

  • The listed investment minimum is lowering to $500 from $2,000; and
  • Income preferences have been enhanced to allow income earned with a Managed Discretionary Account model to be transferred into your client’s Cash Account.

You can access the latest disclosure documents at in the Helpful resources section.


Where big tech meets personal support, our team is committed to partnering with advisers to understand your needs and provide valuable support.